Friday, December 26, 2008


i am so bored i have to keep posting bored. lol today i am going to the movies with the family but u kno. im really bored and i think im gonna go swimming pretty soon but im not sure.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


ok heres the thing. i dont have a good computer for my pics right now. the only one i have is a 94.. lol so yea srry bout there not being pics... :C ill get some i promise!

hahaha! posting fun!

well well well....lets see how much fun we can have...i wanna c who can comment me the fastest! read place chart below:

1st: get a delightful graphic comment back

2nd: a congradulatory comment back

3rd: $5 next time u see me

4th: a hug next time u see me...

now i suppose most of you will try to wait until ur 3rd or fourth, thats the trick u HAVE to comment when u read this or it wont work...anything past fourth place just comment me and ill c wat i can do. have fun annd...u have to kno me to play! and u cant enter more then once! good luck!!!

**MeRRy cHrisTmAs**

havin a good christmas? i am:
i got
fathead of peyton manning
an mp3 player
a really comfy! comforter!
and a bunch of small stuff

awesome! and i am hangin with the granparents and family at the quality inn....again!!! havin fun!!! wooooooooo!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008



Saturday, December 13, 2008


Srry i havent been on in a while..kinda. busy. just recently i had a family thing at the quality inn with my yet my mom and aunt got in yet another fight. everything else went sweet...except for the fact that i missed out on a lions game!!!! thanks to my parents. but..i have logged on to see my aunts blog and can not come across it.

this christmas i am expecting my grandparents to come see me. tim!

Friday, August 1, 2008


Im srry, my computer is not coperating and I cant get my pics to load..really srry

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sebring Camp

I went to sebring camp and met alot of new ppl. And yes, something big happened. God told me a bunch of different things and touched alot of ppl around me. Specificly, this one guy. He was my age and was...not a christian. like not at all. And one night at the campfire, he got saved. and it was amazing how it happened.
I have a twin!!! Her name is Angela. She has my personality and everyone says i look like her. but i dont. i had alot of fun. and i put as much picture on as i could.


Friday, July 4, 2008


These are quotes COPYRIGHTED! I just don't know how to make that little circle thing. (c) sorta?
"If anything and everything meant everything to you,
how much love would that b?
If no one and nothing meant nothing to you,
how much love would that b?"
--That one is very deep and if you dont get it, im srry. you really have to think.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Here are just some jokes I've heard or looked up...

A woman and HER husband sit at the dinner table slowly eating. Finally SHE breaks the silence.
"So how was YOUR day?"
HE replys "Good what about YOU?"
"Good. It was hectic though."
"MINE too."
"YOU'RE so selfish!"
"Why am III selfish?"
"Because. WE are sitting here trying to eat a meal, and all YOU can do is capitalize YOUR letters reffering to YOU!Look at how YOU type!"
"Well why are WE typing Oh! Maybe because YOU just have to be on the internet 24/7 so III cant tlk to YOU. If WE didnt have to type to tlk at dinner, III wouldnt seem so selfish."
mom_slash_wife45 has logged out.
"Ahhhhh....the internet is so peacful!"
golfer_pro34 has logged out.
"Wow that was sweet!"
"No doubt!"
"I'm going to watch more."
middle_child_rules_again has logged out.
"Me 2!"
mamas_boy12 has logged out.

dont ask i dont think that joke is funny either. cuz its not a joke!!! but everyone i type it to they love it. so if you dont like it...rock on and amen!


Sorry. It took me a long time to get back on my blog and my Cedar Point pictures aren't that great.

But I just recently went to Hemans camp and my reunion. I am also going to Sebring camp, Yearly meeting, and Cedar Point (again) with my youth group the 13th. So here are some camp pictures....

My Animals

I have 4 animals. Even though my dog Willow isn't technically my dog, she is in my book. She is the little black cutie. Then I have 3 meet pigs. Bacon, Sausage, and Ham. They are cute. Bacon, Ham, and Sausage are really big now!! I'll try to get more recent pics.

The.pigs.have.been fun. recently, suto.rabies.has.been found in Michigan so we've had to take percausions with our pigs, (idc if i spelled that wrong) but i really like it and i hope i can do it next year.


Anything random

Ok I went to Sebring camp as you know...and I have this twin. I love her to death! She is so fun! She's just like me! It's amazing! Well you can see her on my myspace, shes my nuumber one friend!!!!! ( but u have to b my friend to c my complete profile.. for the randomness.....I'm hot!!! Sticky SWEET! from my head to my FEET!!

how random was that??comment me anywhere from one to ten!
ex. "nice! 8"
" 1"